Image credit - Jezael Melgoza, Unsplash

Turning back the clock on green

Region Americas

Income group Upper middle income

Image credit - Jezael Melgoza, Unsplash

Policy Scores

Last updated 23 Oct 2022







  1. Office of the United States Trade Representative, "Mexico: Trade & Investment Summary", accessed April 2024
  2. Observatory of Economic Complexity, "Mexico: Country Profile and Trade Summary", accessed April 2024
  3. Kevin Gallagher, "Development and Growth in the Mexican Economy: A Historical Perspective", ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America, Volume VIII, Number 3, April 2009
  4. Statistica, "Pemex's crude oil exports from 2010 to 2022", accessed April 2024
  5. Forbes, "Why Is Mexico’s President So Hostile To Solar Energy Investment?", May 2023
  6. Climate Change Laws of the World, "Sector Program for the Environment and Natural Resources (PROMARNAT) 2020-2024", accessed April 2024
  7. United Nations Development Programme, "Country programme document for Mexico (2021–2025)", February 2021